Technical support services in vessel design and construction and use of fishing equipment 在渔船设计和建造、辅助捕鱼设备的使用方面提供技术支援服务;
Manufacturer of commercial fishing equipment and monofilament . a catalog for longline equipment is provided -专营钓具用品的国营企业,代理多个国外品牌钓具产品。
Coast guard says they found fishing equipment on the chinese boat , along with fish that had just been caught 海岸警卫队说,他们在中国渔船上发现了捕鱼设备和刚刚捕获的鱼。
Provide low interest loans from the fisheries development loan fund and fish marketing organization ( fmo ) loan fund for local fishermen to build or upgrade fishing vessels and install offshore fishing equipment 本署会提供下列服务及技术支援以协助业界发展远洋渔业:透过提供低息贷款给本地渔民作改装或建造渔船及装配远洋作业渔具之用
A survey was launched , to find out why most did not answer the survey , but from those that did , it was discovered that some felt called to study fish , a few to furnish fishing equipment , and several to go around encouraging the fisherman 协会又发起了问卷调查,大部分人没有反应,但从那些填写了问卷的人可以得知,有些人是在忙着研究鱼类,有些是在忙着完善钓鱼的装备,还有一些正在忙着到处发动人们去钓鱼。