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fishing equipment中文是什么意思

用"fishing equipment"造句"fishing equipment"怎么读"fishing equipment" in a sentence


  • 捕捞设备


  • Fishing tackle tin tin fishing equipment
  • Technical support services in vessel design and construction and use of fishing equipment
  • Manufacturer of commercial fishing equipment and monofilament . a catalog for longline equipment is provided
  • Coast guard says they found fishing equipment on the chinese boat , along with fish that had just been caught
  • Provide low interest loans from the fisheries development loan fund and fish marketing organization ( fmo ) loan fund for local fishermen to build or upgrade fishing vessels and install offshore fishing equipment
  • A survey was launched , to find out why most did not answer the survey , but from those that did , it was discovered that some felt called to study fish , a few to furnish fishing equipment , and several to go around encouraging the fisherman
用"fishing equipment"造句  
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